Friday, 31 October 2014

The Attack by Siegfried Sassoon (retold)

                                                                        by  Sam

by Taylor

by Ebony
by April

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Making apple jam

One of our groups is investigating the food people may have consumed 100 years ago.

They learned how to make jams and then used these jams on griddle cakes.

The recipe for apple jam is:

  • 3 apples
  • 2 cups white sugar
  1. peel the apples
  2. core the apples
  3. dice the apples into small pieces
  4. put into a pot and heat
  5. when bubbles appear add the sugar
  6. when more bubbles appear turn off the heat and leave for 5-10 until the apple turns gold in colour
  7. preserve in a jar

Wilfred Owen

We have been exploring the work of this WWI poet. Today's poem is titled "The Sentry".
By Carl

By Hannah-May

By Sam

Friday, 17 October 2014

Planning our diorama

Creating your diorama

The rubric lists the criteria for assement of your work

Planning is annotated. Materials/techniques to be used are identified.
Planning is annotated. Some materials/techniques to be used are identified.
Some evidence of planning.
Little evidence of planning.
All facts presented in the diorama are accurate.
Almost all facts presented in the diorama are accurate
Most facts presented in the diorama are accurate.
Few facts presented in the diorama are accurate.
All items of importance in the diorama are explained in writing.
Almost all items of importance in the diorama are explained in writing.
Some items of importance in the diorama are explained in writing.
Few items of importance in the diorama are explained in writing.
The diorama is attractive and well-organized. The items are neat and securely attached. Realistic use of colour.
The diorama is attractive and well-organized. The items are neat and securely attached. Good use of colour.
The diorama is somewhat organized. The items are securely attached and coloured.
The diorama is not organized OR the items are not attached OR coloured.