Saturday, 15 March 2014

Super Swimmers

As part of our inquiry, our group (the super swimmers) created a survey to find out about the swimming abilities of students in room 15. It took a lot of hard work, thinking and determination, but we got the job done. We chose questions that gave good information about and that linked to our H.O.T question. Our H.O.T question is describe why the drowning rate in NZ is so high, survey the school to gather information about students swimming abilities to identify the patterns, create a swimming programme which will help students become more confident and capable while swimming. Using management, organisation and team work is an important key when creating a survey. Once we had finished making and creating our survey, two students typed it up on the computer next Hannah-may and Taylor (leaders of the super swimmers group) went to room 15 to survey them. After that we all discussed the statistics and trends. There was a lot to discuss and identify. Finally we had finished.

Some of the trends we identified were:

o   1 4/5  of the boys prefer freestyle than any other stroke

o   No girls chose breaststroke

o   More than ½ of the people surveyed knew a beach ball would be best to float with.

o   There wasn’t any major differences between the boys and girls votes

People in super swimmers group…

Cameron Raman

Hannah-may Slater

Taylor Woodhead

Veronica Bojanich

Ebony Rangi

James Saufoi

Jayden Neilsen-Bailey

Michelle Neilsen

Mustafa Rahmani

Revival Fakaua

Samuel Lowery

Jeet Singh

Tyson Waru


Written by Veronica Bojanich and Hannah-May Slater
Our survey

Super Swimmers Survey!
This survey is to see how safe you are in water and your knowledge on rips. In this survey you will have a series of questions.
*Fill in the information at the top of the page
*Use either blue or black pen
*Don’t copy others
*Answer all the questions
*Circle you answer clearly
How old are you?
a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13
What is your ethnicity/culture?
a) Maori
b) Pacific Islander
c) Asian
d) Other (please list your culture/s)
What is your favourite sport?
a) Soccer
b) Netball
c) Rugby
d) Other (please list your favourite sport)
What is your gender?
           i.     Girl
         ii.     Boy

1.       What is a rip…
                               i.            A strong current
                             ii.            A burger
                           iii.            A strong wave
                            iv.            A game for Xbox
2.       What would you do in a rip?
                               i.            Panic
                             ii.            Shout for help
                           iii.            Swim parallel to the beach
3.       Do you think you can swim out of a rip?
               i.            Yes
             ii.            No
           iii.            Maybe
4.       What is your favourite stroke?
          i.            Breast stroke
        ii.            Freestyle
      iii.            Butterfly
       iv.            Backstroke
         v.            None
5.       Who taught you to survive in a rip?
        i.            Parent/guardian
      ii.            Internet/ T.V
    iii.            School/ organisation
     iv.            Never been taught

6.       Do you mostly swim at …
      i.            Patrolled Beaches
    ii.            Un-Patrolled Beaches
7.       What would you use to float?
        i.            A brick         
      ii.            Your Friend
    iii.            A Beach ball
8.       How do you feel about rips?
      i.            Confident
    ii.             Scared
  iii.            Alright
  iv.            Nervous
9.       What is the best way to teach someone to survive in a rip?
      i.            Swim Parallel
    ii.            Swim against the rip
  iii.            Float and relax
10. How long can you float for?
        i.            5 seconds
      ii.            30 seconds
    iii.            1 minute
     iv.            Other (please list)
11. What do you think is the best place to swim at?
        i.            Rivers
      ii.            Lakes
    iii.            Beaches
     iv.            Public pools

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